
Dorking Golf Club

Autumn Meeting Sunday 22nd  Nov 2015 
1. 27 Holes Foursomes Stableford
2. Tee Times from 8.00am to 9.30am
3. Max Handicap 18, 1/2 combined handicap.
4. Players have been Pre Registered at the Touch Screen
5. Completed cards to Allan Smeal 
6. £10 Entry Fee charged to lead player

Time of Starting

All players are reminded that they must arrive on the tee and be ready to play at their allotted starting time. If a player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, in the absence of circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification provided in Rule 33-7. Penalty is loss of the first hole in match play, or two strokes in stroke play. Penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is disqualification.

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